Performance anxiety, impostor syndrome, and the search for identity through the dance of others have the common effect of paralyzing the dancer and leaving them voiceless. Often lost in the pursuit of technical excellence and interpretation, one might wonder what is truly expressed as an artist. With a group of four house dancers and two actors, this piece explores the downside of freestyle dance practices, where the "free" aspect is not always present.
Performed at 100 Lux Festival, 5ième salle, Place des Arts, on February 8 & 9, 2019.
Choreography: Dominique Sophie and the performers
Performers: Heinchler "Bambino" Paul, Clauter "Dr. Step" Alexandre, Erich "Preach" Etienne, Achraf "Eywaa" Terrab, Magdalena Marszalek, and Dominique Sophie
Text: Dominique Sophie and the performers
Music: Alexis "Lexis" Charpentier
Lighting: Benoît Larivière
Sound: Marc-André Cossette
Outside Eye: Alexandra "Spicey" Landé, Victoria Mackenzie, Mani Soleymanlou Studio
Residency: MAI (Montréal, arts interculturels) and DissTorsion